Tornado-Proof Your Home with Reinforced Concrete
Table Of Content Mighty Small Homes Impact-Resistant Glass Building a Tornado-Proof House: Our Comprehensive Guide Eight chocolate-brown interiors that look good enough to eat FEMA P-320, Taking Shelter From the Storm: Building a Safe Room For Your Home or Small Business “Several people have come up to say, ‘I’ll bet you’re glad you built a concrete house.’ If I had more time I would be selling Reward houses here,” he says. Although the Asbury house was in the direct path of the tornado, it suffered minimal damage. The 6-in.-thick ICF walls, builtwith iForm from Reward Wall, had prevented most of the damage to the home. The use of insulated concrete forms (ICFs) make it possible to obtain any practical level of energy conservation required by contemporary building codes. This concrete dome house in Blanchard, OK took a direct hit from an EF4 tornado in 2014. While the windows were blown out and there was significant damage, the structure survived. How to Make a Home Tornado-Resis...